A website for a bio-hotel in corinthia
In spring 2013 a colleague of mine, Tobias Zotter, asked me if I could help him create a website for Gralhof, a bio-hotel in corinthia. The project seemed very interesting for me, because Tobias had much experience with print design but needed someone who could help him with with translating his visual designs into the digital realm.
My main responsibility was choosing a cms and programming the website. Tobias's designs were very beautiful but as he had not not as much experience with UX Design and responsive webdesign as myself, I had to make sure that everything would translate well on mobile screens. I also had to make sure, that the site didn't feature to many different font and color styles, so that a clear guiding system would be obvious for users.
The project took a few months to finish but it was very rewarding, because the finished website looks stunning.